Convert FAT32 to NTFS file system without loosing data

In windows XP, you have two options: either to make an NTFS drive, or use the "Convert". The first method is recommended because all data are deleted partition - so you can create a "clean" to make run at the beginning. Use this method only if you do not need to keep your files intact. But most of us would just keep the files and then you have two options:

Back up all data before formatting
So you want a "clean" state, but can not afford to lose important files? It's easy. All you have to do is to backup files to an external hard drive or partition you want to convert and burn your data CD. When you are finished, you can reformat the hard drive to NTFS.

Use the command line convert
In this way you will save. All files will remain as they are. However, I recommend a backup. You do not know what could go wrong and what you lose if the back-up? Converted to NTFS using convert.exe, everything went well. The chances are your conversion is so smooth.

  1. Open a command prompt

Start | All Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt
Start | Run | "cmd" without quotes | OK

2.Type "convert drive letter: / fs: ntfs" and press Enter. For example, type "c: / fs: ntfs" (without the quotes) when the C: drive to convert

3.When asked whether to accept, the reader should be repealed.

For more information about Convert.exe "help convert" (without quotation marks) in the command prompt and press Enter to find.


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